SWAN Field Day
Pemberton – Saturday, 5 May 2018
9.30am Registrations and morning tea at Mountford Winery, Bamass Rd
10.00am Inspect Andrew and Sue Mountford’s karri forest and discuss management issues, especially the need for a commercial thinning and the intention of reducing fuel for fire protection.
12.00noon Lunch at Big Brook Dam
12.45pm Short presentations:
2.00pm Inspect Julian’s eucalypts for timber which date from the 1980s and his more recent venture using eucalypt thinnings to grow Shiitake mushrooms.
3.30pm Wrap up
Download flyer for map and more details on properties.
Cost - $40 per person ($30 for members) & ½ price for kids. Pay on the day. Covers morning tea and lunch.
RSVP by email – by 30 April for catering purposes to
[email protected]
Pemberton – Saturday, 5 May 2018
9.30am Registrations and morning tea at Mountford Winery, Bamass Rd
10.00am Inspect Andrew and Sue Mountford’s karri forest and discuss management issues, especially the need for a commercial thinning and the intention of reducing fuel for fire protection.
12.00noon Lunch at Big Brook Dam
12.45pm Short presentations:
- Update on WA Forest Alliance’s “Forests for Life” proposal
- Warren Catchment’s Council – who they are and what they do
- Southern Forests Food Council
2.00pm Inspect Julian’s eucalypts for timber which date from the 1980s and his more recent venture using eucalypt thinnings to grow Shiitake mushrooms.
3.30pm Wrap up
Download flyer for map and more details on properties.
Cost - $40 per person ($30 for members) & ½ price for kids. Pay on the day. Covers morning tea and lunch.
RSVP by email – by 30 April for catering purposes to
[email protected]